Naruto Anime Episode 93 (01/22/09)
Naruto Manga Chapter 432 (01/23/09)
Naruto Anime Episode 94 (01/29/09)
Naruto Manga Chapter 433 (01/30/09)
Spoiler Naruto Manga 432
Now Naruto is in full sage mode... things that are going to happen
1. In the waves of rage...Naruto sets up multiple rasengans in the air.
( Just as he did with the fight with orochimaru when he was transformed to 4 tails)
2. There will be full of fuuton rasengans flying here and there and
hitting the pains at full force.
3. Then pain will try to absorb one of the rasengan power but
will die in the process and burst.
4. Naruto will go in full sage mode again and then do the
jitter technique like his father namikaze minato.
5. He will then hit everyone with his sage power + the previous rasengans.
6. One of the pain will escape back to the hidden rain village.
leave a comment about your opinion and what you think will be happend in chapter 432
This is the place if you want to have more of a carefree conversation about Naruto.
READ THE SPOILER NARUTO 432 (2) , and share your opinion about
what will happen if naruto vs sasuke? HERE
confirm naruto spoiler 432

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Naruto Anime Episode 93 (01/22/09)
Naruto Manga Chapter 432 (01/23/09)
Naruto Anime Episode 94 (01/29/09)
Naruto Manga Chapter 433 (01/30/09)
Spoiler Naruto Manga 432
Now Naruto is in full sage mode... things that are going to happen
1. In the waves of rage...Naruto sets up multiple rasengans in the air.
( Just as he did with the fight with orochimaru when he was transformed to 4 tails)
2. There will be full of fuuton rasengans flying here and there and
hitting the pains at full force.
3. Then pain will try to absorb one of the rasengan power but
will die in the process and burst.
4. Naruto will go in full sage mode again and then do the
jitter technique like his father namikaze minato.
5. He will then hit everyone with his sage power + the previous rasengans.
6. One of the pain will escape back to the hidden rain village.
leave a comment about your opinion and what you think will be happend in chapter 432
This is the place if you want to have more of a carefree conversation about Naruto.
READ THE SPOILER NARUTO 432 (2) , and share your opinion about
what will happen if naruto vs sasuke? HERE
confirm naruto spoiler 432

i dont know, does anyone have opinion about manga 432?
looks like a prediction and someone called it a spoiler again...
in the last chapter naruto use odama rasengan, maybe naruto will be able to use Fuuton Rasensuriken.i can't wait for the 432 chapter
the chapter 432 will be very cool, i cant wait for the chapter release
penasaran nich, apa naruto bakalan tarung ama sasuke...? kira2 siapa yang menang ya, Mangenkyu sharingan ato sage mode?
is naruto will fight agains sasuke? who whill be win...sasuke eyes or naruto sage mode?
can fuuton rasen-shuriken defeat amaterasu? i don't think so, because fuuton(wind element) can't defeat katon(fire element)
but in taijutsu maybe naruto willbe the winner because naruto have frog-katas
does any other have diffrend oppinion?
i can read english but i can't really write good, so, i explain in french.
Je n'ai aucunes idées de la suite dans le chapitre 432, mais je peux dire que j'ai vraiment hate de voir sa nouvelle attaque, "the wave of rage". Alors, vite, que vendredi arrive...:D :D
thanx for the comment, i also like when naruto use the giant rasengan and whenhe use "frog katas"
does anyone have info about
naruto shippuden movie 2 bond?:(
the wave of rages sounds like he is going 2 throw a set of rasengans behind pein but people r forgetting dat it may not b his only new jutsu,everyone forgot the secret technique he waz praticing at myobokuzan dat waz shown 2 cut 3 mountains one after the other,hmmmm, take a look at the sage training once more & u will see wat iam talking about.
can you tell me in what chapter?;;)
in the chapter 418,its like smoke or something in the top of the montain. may be that is a rasensuriken
i'm sory, i was wrong. i mean in chapter 421
I apologize for the ad that is too many in this blog.
this because I'm collecting money for my wedding.hope you understand and does't feel disturbed:(
I think naruto use a new technique. And that's not fuuton rasen shuriken. Maybe space time no jutsu like his father. My prediction is naruto will beating pain but pain not die. And he appears in real body maybe pain is 4th hokage
Wat about da whole madara sasuke thing will that interupt the naruto battle that wld suck real bad. Or wat if sasuke coMes or the thunder villages squad team samui
Jitter tech... u mean like flying thunder god jutsu... someone needs to stop making up like this...
please understand that this is just a prediction, and i think that make the next chapter more exciting. does anyone agree with my opinion?
you may forget naruto practice time on the mountain myobokuzan, in the chap.421 naruto cut the mountains or trees. it may be a new jutsu from naruto.
it may be the version of the sword or the version that can be thrown from rasen-shuriken
1 moretime this is just a prediction're awsome, you n your blog make the next chapter being more exciting.
i think kishi should thanx to you n you're blog from making his next chapter more populer n more exciting.......
thanks man ;;)
damn .. but is kakashi alive ? i know now it's the time of the fight between naruto n pain but i can' t wait .. damn !!! I wish know sum opinions of yours coz I'm ansious about my fav caracter !!!! kishimoto said that kakshi won't die ...
I hope he is still alive or i 'll kill kishimoto iven if he is a great .. i don't mind I want kakashi alive ^^^:o
some source says that kakashi wont die, because there is some secret about him.
such, how kakashi obtai mangenkyu sharingan...n etc
for naruto blog visitor's, i suggest go to page prediction 432.
just click on prediction 432 at my menu, then go to the under post...u can download ost naruto when he use fuuton-rasensuriken.
hope u have fun time in my blog
sory i forget 1 word at obtai=obtain
kalo menurut saya pain bakalan lari cz naruto hebat banget...tapi menang gak ya lawan mangenkyu?
naruto kan udah dikasih jurus ama itachi, so kemungkinan bisa menang lawan sasuke
what kind of jutsu that given by itachi for naruto?
I think it might be a power to stop the amaterasu because itashi is smart who says hes plan is over maybe he knew sasuke would go for madara and maby even naruto has like itashies real sharingan like in chakra form and it will go in sasukes eyes because when they take another sharingan its not like they squish both together its probably like chakra stuff
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