Only the spoilers are out and it good enough to be true . . .
The chapter opens up to Naruto facing Pain.
Naruto: Let’s do this.
Pain: Very well then, Jinchuuriki.
Summoner Pain steps forth with an array of summons. (Those crazy dogs, a beetle, a bird,
a dragon and a panda.)
All the frogs prepare for battle.
Tsuande and Anbu are shocked.
Naruto: Gamaken, Gamabunta and Gamakichi NOW!!!
All three toads shoot oil on the summons except the bird.
Gamaken: I missed one. My aim is bad.
Gamabunta: Shut up Gamaken four is good enough.
Naruto: Sage arts! Katon: Wildfire technique!
A powerful eruption of flames and fireballs spew forth from Naruto’s mouth burning the
summons to a crisp. Leaving a thick smoke behind.
Pa Toad asunder the bird with a wind technique. The bird explodes into white smoke.
Naruto spots the summoner within the smoke, then he takes off at lighting speed and vanishes in
the smoke. The Summoner body is seen flying out the smoke spiraling into the ground with a
thud that leaves a billow of dust behind.
That leaves God Realm, Hungry ghost, Hell Realm and Human realm left.
God Pain: You’re tougher than i thought.
Naruto: *thinking This guy is like my kage bunshin jutsu. All replicas, but not real. I know!*
Naruto smirks with a kage bunshin handseal.
Every wounded citizen of konoha looks towards Naruto as a light of hope
For information, Naruto Shippuden Manga Chapter 431 will be release at 01-16-09
A mystery package of information about the 10th anniversay!!
Also the “Naru-note Anniversary”!!
Looking at Kyuubi’s responds to Naruto’s anger Pain says that this is Naruto’s fault that village become like this.
Sakura asks Tsunade to help her with Katsuyu.
That was mine mistake, forgive me.
Madara informs Pain about Hachibi.
Naruto’s anger goes to climax, he creates few bunshins.
Because he’s out of chakra and of the Hachibi’s failure - Pain withdraws.
While at it - Pain tell Naruto about Sasuke’s failure with hachibi, Naruto surprised.
It ends with Pain saying that Sasuke entered Akatsuki and formed Taka
Naruto 431 Manga Summary
The chapter begins with a far view of pain and naruto looking at each others.
Pain says: The time has come to finally get the last piece of the puzzle.
Pain do some weird hand seals and the earth begin to shake. The ground start to collapse under
Naruto’s feets and suddenly a big amount of air pressure push naruto into the air.
Two summoned giant dogs jump to caught naruto while hes falling but 2 clones of naruto intercept them with 2 huge oodama rasengan and make them K.O
Naruto says: I won’t let you have it your way. You’ll pay for what you’ve done.
The frogs start to grab their weapons and are ready to attack while naruto shout of them and tell them to wait.
A flash back during naruto’s training take place..its while hes training in sage mode at fuuton rasenshuriken
in secret.
Naruto says: It’s good for nothing if i harm myself as much as my opponent..there’s probably a way with this sage mode
i’d be able to solve that.
It goes back to the present and naruto is concentring more sage chakra.
Pain says: You are really not how i expected but i presume your out of chakra now..why do you stand there for?
Last picture finish with Naruto looking with avenging eyes and he says:This time i’m gonna take out all of you.
I will update this post when Naruto 431 complete spoiler has been release.
Other Naruto 431 Spoiler
Simple spoiler
Zetsu appears before Sasuke and co and throws the tentacle at them.
In the shadow of a rock, a person’s silhouette can be seen listening to the conversation between Zetsu and Hawk.
Naruto and Deva Realm glare at each other.
Summoning Pain summons a large frog with the Rinnegan, surprising all frogs present.
Fusakaku* tries to stop Naruto from going towards Deva Realm, but Naruto won’t be stopped.
The Rinnegan frog does handseals and causes something like an earthquake, breaking up the surroundings.
Fusakaku* says “He did it!”** as Pain and Naruto suddenly disappear.
Please wait for details
*Me thinks this should be Fukasaku
**Can also be translated as “[we were] deceived” and several other things.
Summoned frog looks like Bunta.
Gamaken thrust the stick into ground, but he’s slow.
Scene chages to Naruto’s perspective. Tsunade shouts something, but he cannot hear it.
Rinnegan frog transports with Naruto to other location.
With that all Deva’s Pain preparations were completed.
Other spoiler
Last day im surfing in internet and found some naruto manga chapter 431 spoiler.Please, check the pictures and tell me if you think its fake or real. Oh yeah. Manga Naruto 431 Chapter will release this week.
cool chapter, if it is true?
naruto and fire techniques??? not possible!
its just a spoiler, maybe true or mabe not. so we just wait for the chapter release. may be it will be release at 16-01-09
plese share info about 431 chapter?
whats wrong with israel and the palestina,is israel does't have any heart? many of children died,do you agree with israel invation?
I think its true. Naruto is so powerful he cud master almost any jutsus.
hmmm....well we will just have to wait and find out!!! :)
So where does Sasuke come into all this?
it is very funny at last sasuke dies
well the news between israel and palestine is just one sided. the news now didnt even mentioned about the bombings that were made by the palestinians to the israelis...lol...
Trust me although this is not a bad joke it is Absolutely fake it is not intellegent enough, cant u see a panda?? hahaha and wildfire?? and there is no they would show a dragon in naruto kishimoto just thinks differently anyway when the hell will chapter 431 come out?? probably 3 weeks late like he said 16.01.09.
sorry i have a few words missing my bad
naruto will be come 6th hokage..............!
i love naruto
no... shikamaru that will be the 6th hokage
shikamaru very smart, so the most suitable to be 6th hokage is shikamaru
lol shikamaru hes so weak no way he can become -.-
Yeah...why is there a picture of sasuke?
Is he FINALLY gonna die!!??
gah i hate that emo kid.
kishi pissed me off, itachi! why did you sacrifice your self for such an asshole!!???
sage arts=fire, yes J-man did it before w/gambunta. the toad oil, thats the key. and if naruto can go into sage mode why can't he use a sage technique like Wildfire technique.
because he needs the the basic for fire element
The toad makes the oil and jiraya the fire.
and naruto only had wind. There is only one way
at the time when naruto masters rasen fotun shuriken yamato told hin that its useless to sasukes fire and when they wont to go to help kakashi and shikamaru yamato said wait a minute i want to try something. It could be that yamato teach him the fire element but yamato hadnt fire to so its also a speculation
and its no sage technique because naruto is going to learn it (shippuuden 91 gufuu suika no jutsu water/wind) before he learns sagemode (natural chakra manga 4..)
the manga is soo late!!!ya...wanna no wut happened 2 sasuke...asshole I hate him >:o
It is no problem with that sage mode jutsus. But Wildfire technique use Jiraya without sage mode and this is what naruto can´t never do. He can´t use fire techniques and if it´s so, wie get later a review how does naruto learnt this technique.
does anyone have info about chapter 431 and anime 92,where i can download chapter 431 and anime 92?
Naruto Anime 92 Has Been Release, You Can Download It Here At Naruto Label.
For The Manga Chapter It Maybe Release Today Or Maybe Will Be Delayed
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